12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation

Sr. Ameline Intia, OP – JPIC Promoter for Asia-Pacific region

The 12th Asia- Pacific Conference on Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (January 11-15, 2025)  recently concluded in Bangalore, India was an engaging and collaborative assembly of 30 participants of  the Dominican Family  from India, Sri Lanka, Malta, Philippines, Indonesia and Taiwan. We were empowered by the inputs of our four speakers: Sr. Durstyne Farnan, OP and Fr. Anieidi Okure, OP representatives in the United Nations; and the Indian nationals: Fr. Denzil Fernandes, SJ and Fr. Salvadore Fernandes, OFM Cap.

In addition, we heard the profound messages of our Master General, Fr. Gerard Timoner, III, Bishop Napoleon Sipalay, Jr. (Bishop of Alaminos- Phils) Sr. Margaret Mayce (DSIC International Coordinator) and Sr. Reg McKillip (North America JPIC co-promoter).

“I am so thankful to God for giving me an opportunity to be with the bigger Dominican Family. Coming to know each other from different countries is a privilege to me.” – shared sr. Sr. Kanthi Perera (Sri Lanka- Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena). – “When I listened to the country reports, I became aware of the so many burning issues in different countries. And the dedicated services of our Dominicans. There is much to learn from different cultures; about each country, geographical situations, different economic problems.”

“Coming to this 12th Conference on JPIC Asia Pacific Region is among my greatest blessings at the start of the New Year 2025.” – said sr. Maria Luz Mission, OP, Dominican Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary of the Philippines, Continental Coordinator for Asia-Pacific Region. – “The talks on Building Bridges, Silent Voices, and Systematic Transformation call us among others to solidarity, collaboration, and conversion. Fr. Aneidi and Sr Dusty assure us of their support as they hold office at the UN. Theirs is the message of hope that we are not alone in our struggles as we continue to work for a better One Earth.”

The Regional (Asia-Pacific) Synodal Journey is the outcome of the Zoom Meeting of the International Dominican Commission for Justice and Peace (IDCJP) held last September 23-27, 2024, on the theme of “Silent Voices”.

“Politicians know the importance of voice. St. John the Baptist described himself as the VOICE crying out in the wilderness. Most of the time we silence ourselves from speaking the truth; by our silence we harm the world.” – said Sr. Punitha, Dominican Sisters of the Presentation from India.

Back in September, the Commission challenged the regional promoters to brainstorm on the statement: BAD GOVERNANCE AND DISTORTION OF TRUTH HOW IT PLAYS OUT IN MIGRATION, CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE DIGITAL WORLD AND ALL FORMS OF VIOLENCE.

With Fr. Victor Calvo, the co-promoter of Asia- Pacific we positively rephrase it in this Jubilee Year of Hope, thus the theme: Synodal Journey: Hopeful for genuine and just governance in Asia-Pacific on migration, climate change, misinformation, and all forms of violence.

“We, the Dominicans, do all kinds of work, we are involved in various fields” – affirmed sr. Rita, Dominican Missionary Sisters of the Rosary from India. – “We have to learn to speak at right time and to the right audience. For us it is challenges for us to work and speak for justice. We must be very conscious to get the support of the local leaders.”

As the outcome of the Meeting, the JPIC in Asia-Pacific region defined its Mission and Vision for the coming years, which you can read here:

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