International Award “Francis of Assisi and Carlos Acutis for an Economy of Fraternity”
Application deadline is January 31, 2023
In Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis reminds of that we are to be stewards of God-given resources, in order to safeguard the growth of the human person and the integrity of creation. This poses a direct challenge to the predominant understanding of the “economy.” “Economy” is not just about the “market;” or about production, distribution and consumption of goods. The “economy” includes a way of being in relationship with and for one another, and with and for the environment. People do not exist for the economy. The economy is to be at the service of people and their needs; and it must respect the limited resources of Earth.
In response to Pope Francis’ challenge, the Diocese of Assisi has established the International Award “Francis of Assisi and Carlos Acutis*** for an Economy of Fraternity.” The award
“aims to encourage fraternal economic projects “from below,” beginning with the difficult conditions faced by our suffering and least brothers and sisters. The Award looks to inspire people with scarce economic possibilities in a generative way, especially the young under the age of 35 and in the poorer regions of the world, to come together and present, as change-makers, a specific and valid project, submitted to the careful examination and judgment of an Evaluation Commission, to benefit and meet the concrete needs of the most disadvantaged and neediest in their midst.
The award offers a prize of up to 50,000.00 euro to a chosen project.
Application deadline is January 31, 2023
***Blessed Carlos Acutis was an example of Pope Francis’ “economy of fraternity,” especially for young people. His profoundly Eucharistic spirituality was manifested in his love for the poor. He believed that “What will only make us truly beautiful in the eyes of God is the way we love God and our neighbors. “Carlos died of leukemia on October 12, 2006, and was Beatified by Pope Francis on October 10, 2020.