Every day is a new opportunity!
This concludes our series of stories written by our Dominican Sisters around the world, who have so beautifully shared their experiences of life in the midst of the pandemic. We hope that this has provided an…
This concludes our series of stories written by our Dominican Sisters around the world, who have so beautifully shared their experiences of life in the midst of the pandemic. We hope that this has provided an…
Community of Tomelloso (Ciudad Real)Dominicas de la Enseñanza de la I.C. The «state of alert» due to the coronavirus meant for us a sudden halt in our daily activities. As a community, we felt fear and…
Sr. Mª Josefa Mollar, OPDominicas de la Enseñanza de la I. C., Spain 13 March 2020. And then it all stopped. School activities, gymnasiums, cultural and recreational assistance and activity centres, cinemas, bars, theatres, shopping centres,…
Sr. Mª del Prado Garrido, OPDominicas del Santísimo Sacramento, Spain On March 14th, when we were notified that the « state of alert » would begin the next day, there was no indication of the events…
Sr. Mª Sagrario Díaz, OPOn behalf of the Community of Saint Catherine of PamplonaDominicas de la Enseñanza de la I.C. In the communities of elderly sisters of our congregation, we have instituted a feast called the…
The Community of Tetuán, Madrid, in Home ConfinementCommunity of Tetuán (CRSD), April 2020 The community began Lent with an invitation to pray, every Monday in our house on the proposals of Pope Francis’ encyclical « Laudato…
Sr. Virginia Chukwuemeka, O.P.Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena, Gusau Nigeria. Covid-19 pandemic has left me with lots of memories that I would like to share. The memories are both pleasant and unpleasant. One of…
The experience of our college Our Lady of the Rosary Fesd (Beaterio), Spain At the beginning of the school year, there was no sign of the turning point that our lives would take at the end…