Community of Tomelloso (Ciudad Real)
Dominicas de la Enseñanza de la I.C.
The «state of alert» due to the coronavirus meant for us a sudden halt in our daily activities. As a community, we felt fear and a lot of anxiety. For Tomelloso, this health crisis has been such a blow that it has been described as the «Wuhan of la Mancha». It has had a strong resonance at the national level; we have heard in the media about the seriousness of the situation. Through the local media, we heard news of some of the closest family members in the community who were hospitalized or had died. We were very affected by this.
As the confinement continued, at the parish level, the catechism groups continued to meet online. The community accompanied, by telephone, the sick and the elderly whom they had been accompanying for years. The aim was to accompany them in the solitude and suffering caused by the virus; to accompany them with the good news that is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, source of hope and prosperity.
In this time of confinement, through the inter-parochial Caritas, we continued to welcome and follow disadvantaged and at-risk families. We have added new families, due to the situation of work stoppage, partial unemployment, etc. Welcoming and accompanying in a creative way, using new technologies (videoconferencing, etc.).
Once the fatigue of the first few days had passed, we used this time for reflection, prayer, reading interesting books, etc. The parish has continued, and even intensified, formation through videos, conferences, etc. We took the opportunity to listen to our bishop and the professors of the Theological Institute « Beato Estenaga » of Ciudad Real. All of this was promoted by the IT media.
In this time of suffering and uncertainty, we have rediscovered our vulnerability and dependence… We wish to thank so many people who, in this difficult situation, have been able to give the best of themselves.
In the new stage that is beginning, which may be more complicated than the previous one, we will have to remain close to people’s reality, through our support, our listening, and our hope. We know that God is on our side.