Dominican Sisters International Confederation (DSIC) Welcomes the new Team

From left: Sr. Pilar del Barrio, Sr. Gene Poore, Sr. Margaret Mayce, Sr. Noemi Zambrano, Sr. Venentia Muthembu and Sr. Bernadette Kiley.

On May 16, 2019, a new International Coordinator for Dominican Sisters International Confederation (DSIC) was elected and members of her team, the five Continental Coordinators previously elected by their respective continental groupings were confirmed. 

Sr. Margaret Mayce, OP, a sister of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Amityville, USA, (International Coordinator), Sr. Venentia Velephi Muthembu, OP, of Dominican Congregation of Montebello, South Africa (Coordinator for Africa), Sr. Bernadette Kiley, O.P. of the Congregation of the Holy Cross,  Australia (Coordinator for Asia-Pacific), Sr. Pilar del Barrio, OP, of Dominicas Misioneras de la Sagrada Familia, Spain (Coordinator for Europe), Sr. Noemi Zambrano, OP, of Our Lady of the Rosary and St. Catherine of Siena, Cabra, Argentina (Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean), and Sr. Gene Poore, OP, of Dominican Sisters of Peace, USA (Coordinator for North America).

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