Meeting in Caleruega
From August 19-25, 45 of our younger Sisters representing the five continental areas of DSIC will gather in Caleruega, Spain, to reflect on God’s dream for us as women preachers in today’s world. Their reflections will be enriched by presentations from two of our Dominican Sisters. Sr. Barbara Reid, OP (USA) will speak on An open-eyed spirituality: Reading the signs of the times; and Sr. Ana Francisca Vergara, OP (Colombia) will offer a presentation on Theological study and contemplation at the service of our preaching as women.
Our hope is that this experience of our global Dominican Sisterhood will provide an opportunity for deep consideration regarding how we can move forward together for the sake of our common Dominican life and mission into the future.
While this will not be a “new” topic of discussion for most, it will be an opportunity to reflect in common, from across the globe, on who we are as Dominican Women in today’s world.

Situating ourselves in the birthplace of St. Dominic, we hope to drink deeply from the well of our Dominican heritage and rediscover our identity as women preachers. With the experience and the perspectives of Sisters from different parts of the world, there will no doubt be a richness and a challenge that, hopefully, will help us all to read the signs of our times with new eyes and an expanded vision as we attempt to respond to God’s dream for us now.
The logo of the meeting was designed by the talented sr. Aneesa McNamee.