DSI sends Humanitarian aid to Venezuela

Dominican Sisters International has sent humanitarian aid from the “DSI Solidarity Fund” to  Argentina, Brazil, Peru and Venezuela. These countries have been particularly hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, especially among those who are already marginalized and vulnerable.

The first news arrived today from Sister Tere Perez, (Dominican Sister of Congregación Santo Domingo), who will coordinate the reception and distribution of the aid which is: 550 KG of food and supplies corresponding to 35 boxes of food and medicine.

Once they arrive in Venezuela, the Sisters, together with the Justice and Peace Commission of the Dominican Family in Venezuela, will distribute the aid to those who need it most.

In her message, Sr. Tere thanks all those, including Caritas of Navarra, who have helped them to get the best prices for medicines and supplies. She also offers a word of thanks for the many invisible hands which have collaborated in the effort.

We in DSI are so happy to be able to make this small contribution towards relieving a bit of the suffering caused by COVID-19. It is a gesture of our solidarity with those who are so terribly affected.

More news to come about the distribution of supplies and food.

Click here for more photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/KKWDcHNuGL68MCWV8

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