It’s time to respond with a “New Story”
Dominican Family of Southern Africa
29 January 2022
Dominican Family of Southern Africa
29 January 2022
“…here below, near the roots is where we lose not a single memory, there are those who rise and those who struggle and so many together can achieve what was impossible that the world would know…
Coordinator: Izide Santina Vecchi Dominica de Santa Catalina de Sena, Brazil JPIC- Aparaecida de SouzaDominica e Nossa Senhora do Rosário de Monteils, Brazil Member – Veronica AgurtoDominican Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, Peru Member – Janet…
Thanks to the DSI Solidarity Fund, DSI was able to respond to the desperate situations in Argentina, Brazil, Peru, and Venezuela, where people are struggling to survive in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Regarding Venezuela,…
By: Sr. Inmaculada Becerra, Dominican Missionary Sister of the Holy Family, from La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain) If two years ago we had been told that the way of life would change so fast, that we…
Sr. Marie Placius, the Prioress of the community: We are 4 Haitian Sisters in the community with 2 Aspirants. Despite the situation in the area, we have the courage and strength to stay and work with…
The International Dominican Commission for Justice and Peace is having its annual meeting in Nairobi, Kenya. Our DSIC Continental Justice Promoters** are in attendance, along with Sr. Dusty Farnan, DSIC’s International Promoter for Justice and Peace…