Les Dominicaines Missionnaires Adoratrices
General Prioress:  Sr. Marlaine Lalancette, O.P.
131 Rue des Dominicaines
Québec, QC, G1E 6S8
Website:  http://www.op-dma.com/

Adrian Dominican Sisters (Congregation of the Most Holy Rosary)
General Prioress:  Sr. Elise Garcia, O.P.
1257 East Siena Heights Drive
Adrian, MI 49221
United States
Website:  www.adriandominicans.org

Congregation of the Holy Cross
General Prioress:  Sr. Margaret McVetty, O.P.
555 Albany Avenue
Amityville, New York 11701-1197
United States
Website:  www.amityvilleop.org

Sisters of St. Dominic of Blauvelt
General Prioress:  Sr. Mary Flood, O.P.
496 Western Highway
Blauvelt, New York 10913
United States
Website:  www.opblauvelt.org

Dominican Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
General Prioress:  Sr. Luella Ramm, O.P.
1 Ryerson Avenue
Caldwell, New Jersey 07006
United States
Website:  www.caldwellop.org 

 Dominican Sisters of Peace
General Prioress:  Sr. Patricia A. Twohill, O.P.
2320 Airport Drive
Columbus, Ohio 43219-2098
United States
Website:  www.oppeace.org

Sisters of St. Dominic of the Congregation of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, “Grand Rapids Dominicans”
General Prioress:  Sr. Sandra Delgado, O.P.
2025 East Fulton Street
Grand Rapids, MI 49503-3895
United States
Website:  www.grdominicans.org

Congregation of St Rose of Lima
General Prioress:  Sr. Marie Edward, O.P.
Rosary Hill Home
600 Linda Avenue
Hawthorne, NY 10532
United States
Website:  www.hawthorne-dominicans.org

Dominican Sisters of Houston, Texas
General Prioress:  Sr. Donna M. Pollard, O.P.
6501 Almeda Road
Houston, TX 77021-2095
United States
Website:  www.domhou.org

Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena
General Prioress:  Sr. Susan Anne Snyder, O.P. 
14735 Aloha Ave
Saratoga, CA 95070
United States

Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic
General Prioress:  Sr. Teresa Hougnon, O.P.
Maryknoll Sisters’ Center
P.O.Box 311
Maryknoll, New York 10545-0311
United States
Website:   www.maryknollsisters.org

Mission San Jose Dominican Sisters (Congregation of the Queen of the Holy Rosary)
General Prioress:  Sr. Celeste Marie Botello O.P.
43326 Mission Circle
Fremont, CA 94539-5898
United States
Website:  www.msjdominicans.org

Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia of Nashville, Tennessee
General Prioress:  Sr. Anna Grace Neenan, O.P.
St Cecilia Convent
801 Dominican Drive
Nashville, TN 37228
United States
Website:  www.nashvilledominican.org

Dominican Sisters of Hope
General Prioress:  Sr. Catherine McDonnell, O.P.
299 North Highland Avenue
Ossining, NY 10562-2327
United States
Website:  www.ophope.org

Sisters of St. Dominic, Racine
General Prioress:  Sr. Maryann McMahon, O.P.
5635 Erie Street
Racine, WI 53402
United States
Website:  www.racinedominicans.org

Dominican Sisters of San Rafael
General Prioress:  Sr. Carla Kovack, O.P.
1520 Grand Avenue
San Rafael, California 94901-2236
United States
Website:  www.sanrafaelop.org

Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary
General Prioress:  Sr. Christina Heltsley, O.P.
Dominican Motherhouse
585 County Road Z
Sinsinawa, WI 53824-9701
United States
Website:  www.sinsinawa.org

 Dominican Congregation of Our Lady of the Rosary
General Prioress:  Sr. Irene Ellis, O.P.
Dominican Convent
175 Rte 340
Sparkill, New York 10976-1047
United States
Website:  www.sparkill.org

Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois
General Prioress:  Sr. Rebecca Ann Gemma, O.P.
Sacred Heart Convent
1237 West Monroe Street
Springfield, Illinois 62704-1680
United States
Website:  www.springfieldop.org

Sisters of St. Dominic of Tacoma
General Prioress:  Sr. Sharon Casey, OP and Sr. Jo-Ann Showalter (Pontifical Commissary)
935 Fawcett Ave S
Tacoma, Washington 98402
United States
Website:  www.tacomaop.org