February 10-12, 2024
The Younger Sisters of Europe held their annual meeting in Madrid. They had inspiring lectures about the founding history of their congregations, the social and justice work of the Dominican Order in general, and the special position the Dominican Sisters have in social and justice work nowadays, being both on ground level and in positions where they can influence governments. The young Sisters talked about their needs and wants and worked in preparation for the world meeting of the superiors in 2025 to come to proposals for the younger generation of Europe. For that to be really worked out there will be a week of meeting from 19-25 August 2024 in Caleruega. From every continent, 10 young Sisters are elected to come together and work on the birth-soil of Saint Dominic on the proposals for their young Sisters. We also elected this weekend 10 of our group for this task. On the third day of our meeting, we got on the bus and visited Caleruega, for most of us it was the first time to be there, to see the tower where Dominic lived, to visit the monastery of the nuns, and to pray at and drink from the well that sprung where our founder was born.
Photos here: YSOP 24